Self hosting gitea
· ☕ 1 min read · ✍️ Colin Diem
I decided to start self-hosting my code I setup gitea on my raspberry pi 4 this evening to try hosting my own code repository for fun. Setup went alright. Configuring postgres took a bit, and after I installed gitea, it wasn’t working, I couldn’t connect to the server. I poked around for a while, and eventually realized that along the way to finding a solution, I had started trying to connect on localhost on my desktop, which was never going to work since gitea was hosted on my raspberry pi.

Blogging from my phone
· ☕ 1 min read · ✍️ Colin Diem
SSH in from phone Well, I am attempting to blog from my phone, because that would be kind of cool to pull off. It’s obviously not the most ideal interface for this, but it is essentially working. And it’s pretty cool to have access to update from anywhere I have cell reception.

Still just goofing around with this
· ☕ 1 min read
Some witty title Well, I’m still goofing around with this hugo stuff. Today I’m thinking about updating the theme I’m using to have a darker color pallete. I definitely like a darker pallete, especially since I tend to work with a very large monitor in a typically dimly lit room. Lighter colors end up making the monitor way to bright too look at for long periods of time.

Second Blog
· ☕ 1 min read
This is the second blog. I wrote a simple bash script to help with deploying the site. Now I am just testing how well it works.

My First Post
· ☕ 1 min read
This is it. This is content. So, this is my first attempt at building a hugo site served on my Raspberry Pi 4. I hope this goes well.